Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Littles Giant becomes a Saint

Peace All my friends and family, 

This blog is currently been rolled into The Saint of Sinners blog. If you appreciated my writing savvy thus far, you will definitely appreciate the electronic communication style displayed at The Saint of Sinners site. I'ved dilligently been writing about my passion for the seven deadly sins and my thoughts as a giant. Thank you my friends, stay thirsty.
The Saint of Sinners is waiting for you. Click here.

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Song Writing

Recently, two friends of mine asked that I write them songs. My friend from Canada is a classic jazz singer with a nightingale voice. The other is sultry soulful singer with the voice of a warming voice. The dilemma I'm having is that I do not write songs. Hell, I don't listen to enough "sung" music to construct a solid and cohesive verse. Even after years of floating around in musical circles, I haven't been inspired to construct a song.

I'm reading lyrics after lyrics of great song writers. Wow, I'm impressed with the beauty of songs. I just wonder whatever happened to great song writing? Maybe, if we improve song writing standards, then we may be able to improve the quality of singing from today's so-called vocalist.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mogulism Lesson 1: Point A to Point B

Change... It is the most beautiful thing in the world. It is so beautiful that most of us fear it. Change... Just hearing the word provokes a million images in my mind. I love change. I'm a proponent for change. My life has always been about change.

I've learned it is the core of all moguls. They desire constant elevation. Constant elevation induces growth. Growth leads to change. Change leads to elevation. The cycle continues. For example, I've made the decision to write this blog in freeflow. There are no adherence to English structure. I just want to write my emotions, and emotions do not follow rules nor order. This is the first lesson of moguls: allow your logic and emotions guide your decision making. Feel your gut. Society's rules cannot force a mogul to conform. They move to the spark of their emotions.

Moguls harness the energy of their emotions with logic and use it in business and creative endeavors. They only seek what makes their souls content. Their goals are power, freedom, and happiness. We, as average humans, believe living in a world that changes on a whim is crazy. We claim to want the same goals; however, we believe power, freedom, and happiness are unattainable in this life. We poke fun at or admire the moguls that chase such "ridiculous" goals. We accuse the money has made these moguls go crazy. We say "why can't they be happy with all that money?" or "Look at her, the money has drove her crazy?" We don't understand these people learned that it isn't the money that makes people happy, but the things that move the heart. Those things can change at the drop of the dime, thus making stability impossible. These persecutors of change value stability over happiness. These individuals believe stability will lead to happiness. This is the most illogical theory ever conceived. Einstein said it best. Doing the same things day after day, expecting change is insanity.

For the reader that seeks to improve his current situation, why do you perform the same things day after day? We need to move from point A to point B not point A to another point A. Point B may not be the right choice, just make sure it is better than point A. Eventually, one of our point B's will be the right choice. We will have learned how to pick not only the best choice, but the right choice. Understanding how to choose is just as important as our choices. Today, I will choose change.

What are you choosing today?

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

My Amusement

you around
the way girl
For My own
Make my
far better
my penning
of uninspired words
Locked on
It isn't fair
How I
you to
my mental
of beauty
and happiness
but, I do.
I don't do it
for you
this is all
I need you.
I need you
to be down
and stay up
with me.
I need the support
and push
that only
one leg would
do for two
on a skateboard
I'm a Warcraft whore
to level up in
my next crusade
to conquer your
Yeah, I played
many games
But, this is different
You are
like the sakura
in Spring
As the leaves
And, I
want to chop
down your
cherry tree
and not share
any of your fruit.
And, that's no lie.
I cry sometimes.
Not any physical tears
But, my heart mourns
when it is away from
For the past two seasons
have too many reasons
Why you need to
be there
where I can
in the things
that I fabricated
in my head
that make
you beyond great
Beyond the
lies your
Soothing me
like the Force
I was forced
to stay on
led by
your touch
It didn't
take much
For you
to have me
place the
below your feet.
My creative
urges met defeat
Until we met
It felt so correct
It was easy
to detect
this vibration
of emotion
my soul
breathe take
pain stake
As friends
I'm comfortable
As lovers
I'm _______
I'm more than
I know
you think
this is for the birds
But, this bees
love, too.
Lover's Rock
to a
Sweetest Taboo
This is not shy day
I'm screaming
Asking for you
to rescue and
take my mind away
Into the neverending
Beginning of
some mind-bending
heartbeat mixes
and blending
I'm penning
these verses
about you.
It is fluid
how you do life
that is.
Is how I
describe this.
Must cement
with you
that's rudiment
I need you
to be
A Muse meant
for me.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Club Design: 2

Well, Tao in the Venetian and Geisha House in Hollywood are two of my favorite venues. The venues are beautiful and project a an upbeat sophistication, even when the crowd sucks. Well, what kind of venue could you make with these venues?


The Geisha House:


Friday, March 14, 2008

Club Design: 1

For all the people that know me, they know my vision of my existence is defined by the world I create. My closest friends and family will attest to my desire to create institutions that define Charles. One of the things that I have cooked up is an idea for a restaurant and lounge. I'm a connoisseur of leisure. I love scouting out the best vibes and atmosphere in all the cities that I visit. Believe me, I've visited a plethora of cities from this side of the Atlantic Ocean to the Far East and even to South Asia. I'm serious about my desire to create the perfect restaurant and lounge. I know two things must be in place to pull off such a feat.

(1) Atmosphere of the lounge must create an alternative world for the end-user aka the customer. (think in terms of the holodeck made famous in Star Trek: The Next Generation).

2) The entertainment must be top-notch. That is your cast from the doorman to the glasses that people sip their sin juice bellows superiority.

You want people to know that you are in the business of great working environment to create a great leisure environment. Your cast for your entertainment into this alternate dimension is the valets, doorman, cashiers, waiters, waitresses, host, hostesses, coat checker, table bussers, chef, line cooks, kitchen cleaners, decor, technology, cutlery, glassware, music, lighting, scents, decor, restroom attendees, signage, in uses brands (food, music, alcohols, cigars, etc.), dancers, musicians, performing artists, artwork, and the venue itself. I have seriously carved out what I want to do in my lounge and restaurant.

I am currently compiling ideas of things that have been done or are being done. I will post some of my findings online. But, until I launch my lounge and restaurant, you have yet to see perfection.

This is the Blue Frog. The Blue Frog Club is Mumbia's premier live music performance space. The club is 6,000 square feet of the best opulent ambient design in India. The excellent acoustics support the consistent stream of international artists that play some of the world's finest jazz, blues, funk, soul, and afro/latin to electronic, club, rock, and folk. The pictures speak more than words, so pay close attention.