Thursday, June 21, 2007

Change is Gonna Come...

Good Morning Ladies and Gents,

Yes, I said it. Good Morning. Because this is your wake-up call from C. Babb. For all you that know me, I'm probably one of the most complex people that you know. I contradict my own contradictions. I'm artistically inclined, yet not artistically influenced. I will love and hate things at the same time. I have never been one to impress people or try to impress people. Frankly, I don't care about the opinions of other people. I never have and I never will.

I'm "me" in all my grandiouse flaws. I'm perfected imperfection. I'm a complete being looking for the next great adventure. I'm restless. It worries my mother to the brink of insanity that I'm restless. It bewilders my father. It loses my brother, That I'm always seeking something new; that I'm always in search of...; or chasing... As a preditorial animal, I'm always on the hunt. The end goal is success and settling for success isn't enough. So, this letter is my pledge to all of those that feel the need to tell me to slow down, settle down, get down, stand down, or any other down in the English language.

WAKE UP! For the first thirty years of my life, I've never stood down from a challenge. Matter of fact, I look for challenges in the midst of conquering one. I'm not a worker bee in a factory. I don't follow orders well. I am not naive to what the world holds for an adventurous young lad such as myself. I see no reason to hold onto relationships that pass to-and-fro in the natural course of life. I'm selfish with my own selfless existence and careless about everyone else's selfish notions on life. That opinion doesn't mean I don't care about my loved ones (friends and family). I just wish them the best spirits and hope they are blessed in their decisions. Even though they question my motives for living and doing things, I do not bite back and question their motives for not doing the things that I'm trying to do. I have learned Complaceny isn't good, nor bad. It is a state of being that some people choose to be living in.

So what my lifestyle isn't traditional. Who cares that I haven't settled down in Lexington, Kentucky with some beautiful woman that is willing to mother my understanding. I told my mother. I may not be a biological father. But, I'm definitely a spiritual and mental father. I birth good energy. I birth great ideas and dreams. I raise my ideas like children. I hope they grow into something greater than me.

Now, that is why I live! I live to leave children behind that are intangible and legendary. That will flourish and continue to grow even after my biological grandchildren die. My biggest issue to date is getting my children to play together. In order for them to do that, they will need to change and mature. They need to see how they are connected to one another. Teaching my ideas to play together and learn from one another has become my fulltime job. It is difficult. It is time-consuming. So, when I hear my family say that I'm spending too much time on myself. Or, I spend too much time on my dreams and ideas. I laugh. I snicker. I giggle. I grin. I overstand that they do not view ideas and dreams like I do. That is why no explanation can be given to get them to "under"stand my higher thought. I will try to explain for those that are listening.

I treat my ideas and dreams like my children. I parent them. For those with children, you recognize how much care that a child needs. As my children grow, I have to grow in order to continually be involved in their development. Now, I'm at an invincible stage in my life. I'm not afraid to motivate and inspire my ideas to grow and become bigger, brighter, better, and more brilliant. I am a dedicated father. I'm focused on their successful launch in the "real" world. I know these ideas will comfort me in my times of loneliness. They will take care of me when I'm old. They will be the remnants of my existence. So, I cradle them. I cherish them. I cultivate them. I do all this, in hopes that my present children (dreams and ideas) will take care of my unborn children.

For my unborn children, I build institutions for you. I experience life for you. I learn things for you. I ignore the complaints and cries of my family and friends for you. In final hours, I know my children will care for me in the same manner I care for them. So, my constant changes in life are to elevate the existence of all that
I birth- physically, mentally and spiritually. That is why Change is Gonna Come is my mantra, and not my curse.

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