I'm back with another enlightening entry for all you trendsetters and wannabes. Well, you are what you are and from today. I'm going to throw "swagger" away. When Hannity uses "swagger" in his sentence construction referring to presidential candidate Obama, I know something is extremely wrong. The 2-double-0 years have been as artistically clumsy as the mid-to-late eighties. Seriously, our fashion sense has really gone out the door. For all you eighty babies, you cannot relive something that you were not old enough to understand from the jump. Most of these "trendsetters" are lost in a sea of over branding and expensive gaudy merchandise. I will not name brands in my blogs, but the overpriced pastel colors, horribly drawn screen printing thin 'fine' cotton tee shirt and your cheap cotton denim pants aren't even worth a label. Honestly, we will be ashamed of ourselves ten years from now. I remember wanting to dress like Grandmaster Flash, Turbo and Kid-N-Play. Now, I'm thankful my mother did not let that go down. It is disgusting looking at young impressionable children and teenagers dressing in the worst of "cool." It is even more disheartening to see grown individuals, who should know better, mirror the images of these children. We need to take a long look in the mirror. If you are a grown man over the age of 30, wearing jewelry in your mouth isn't cool. Matter of fact, if you are over 30 years young and want to dress up like a "rapper," then you need to take some self-identity classes and sit in a few self-realization courses. If you are a grown individual and your conversations only consist of gear, relationships, money and material objects, then you need to read some books. It is amazing at the limits that people place on themselves. The world is filled with information and experiences waiting to happen. All it takes is a few steps in planning, then deciding to execute. We allow others to box us in or we sublimely block ourselves. We are scared to be the nail that stands out in fear that someone will hammer down. It is not just genius that gets written in the history books. It is rebellious genius that makes the books. Less than one percent of the world's population will ever be mentioned in history. I'm just trying to be in that one percent. Yeah, yeah. I know that overachieving isn't for every person. Some people find their mundane existence exciting and excellent. I'm just slightly different. I want more. I don't care for fame, cars, jewels, and a billion other physical objects (even though I'm privileged enough to have them). I'm out to Howard Roarke the world. Build institutions, franchises and such in my design. Unfortunately, I've been pigeonholed as a taste master of trends and setting trends. Rule one: A true trendsetter never strives to set trends. We only focus on expressing who we are at that moment. Rule two: Contradiction of style doesn't exist to one that is "style." Contradiction only exists with fashionable people trying to be "style." Rule three: We make our own rules; therefore, following my rules will only make you fashionable. (Go get your own style, suckers!)
Hell, I don't even consider myself a trendsetter. I just do me. I'm a nerdy guy that knows a lot of things about nothing. I'm quite self-absorbed, charming and a cordial asshole. I'm sexist and prejudice because I hang around nothing less than intelligent, beautiful and ambitious women. Yes, I said it. I'm sexist and prejudice. I don't like hanging around guys. I see no need to surround myself with more than three or four males at a time and engage them in extensive conversation. Moreover, I would rather talk with women about women and other derivatives of the female form. I am also prejudice against ugly people. By no means do I consider myself an eye-catching individual or one of wondrous personality. But, charm goes a long way in a society where people lack true confidence. Most women would agree with me when I say that I'm no showstopper. But, my brawny brain will have women doing cartwheels in a wildflower meadow and captivated on some of the sweetest kool-aid to drip from my lips. I'm not a great listener. I'm the right listener. I'm not passive nor aggressive nor passive-aggressive. I'm brashly honest and bashfully cute. I'm as cocky as a single rooster in a hen house. I like weird things, but I won't buy into all the hype of things that I like. I'm not cheap in my purchasing habits; I'm just not dumb in my spending habits or silly enough to buy all the "cool" things. I don't try to impress people. What part of "cordial asshole" did you not understand. But, people have a tendency to try and impress me. I'm a courteous gentleman and not for a second have I thought about living a criminal lifestyle or being grimy or acting hard. I have too many options to resort to doing things that are stupid! Yes, I said it. Doing criminal activities isn't cool. It is downright stupid. Get your weight up and get chiseled and make yourself honestly in a world of rules. I listen to rappers talk about criminals and criminal lifestyles. I don't care about gangsters because gangsters haven't made any real money or an imprint on society. Nerds have! I rather have Bill Gate's status than Al Capone's status any day. I rather be Warren Buffet than 50 Cent from BK. I rather run Google than a gang. Let's be real. I have no reason to walk through life complaining about how hard it is. I make the 'my' decisions, I make 'my' rules and I honor 'my' definition of manhood. No brand in existence can accurately represent the "Babb" brand. My father told me as a child, "Steel sharpens steel. Only men can raise men." As an adult, I understand that. Men do not need objects to define their existence. They have themselves to define their existence. They don't need institutions and industries to support them because they build institutions and industries. As I gallivant throughout the world, I will continue to learn more about me and grow stronger as me. My legacy will be forgotten, but my imprint on the world won't be.
That's my word.
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